Binary multiple of 3



In this kata, your task is to create a regular expression capable of evaluating binary strings (strings with only 1s and 0s) and determining whether the given string represents a number divisible by 3.

Take into account that:

  • An empty string might be evaluated to true (it's not going to be tested, so you don't need to worry about it - unless you want)
  • The input should consist only of binary digits - no spaces, other digits, alphanumeric characters, etc.
  • There might be leading 0s.

Examples (Javascript)

  • multipleof3Regex.test('000') should be true
  • multipleof3Regex.test('001') should be false
  • multipleof3Regex.test('011') should be true
  • multipleof3Regex.test('110') should be true
  • multipleof3Regex.test(' abc ') should be false

You can check more in the example test cases


There's a way to develop an automata (FSM) that evaluates if strings representing numbers in a given base are divisible by a given number. You might want to check an example of an automata for doing this same particular task here.

If you want to understand better the inner principles behind it, you might want to study how to get the modulo of an arbitrarily large number taking one digit at a time.


/* Breakdown, based on automata:

^ - start
( - outer grouping (to enfore start/end)
     - start in A
  0* - zero or more '0'
  ( - A
    1 - exit A on a 1 (enter B)
    ( - B
      1 - exit B on a 1 (enter A)
      | - or exit B on a 0 (enter C)
        01*0 - C must enter and exit on a 0, can have zero-or-more 1's
      )+ - repeat B
      1 - exit C then B on a 1
    ) - End B
  )* - repeat A
)* - repeat everything
$ - end



const multipleOf3Regex = /^(0*(1(01*0)*1)*)*$/;


const multipleOf3Regex = /^(0|1(01*0)*1)+$/;
const multipleOf3Regex = /^(0*(1(1|(01*0)+1))*)*$/;

/* Breakdown, based on automata:
^ - start
( - outer grouping (to enfore start/end)
     - start in A
  0* - zero or more '0'
  ( - A
    1 - exit A on a 1 (enter B)
    ( - B
      1 - exit B on a 1 (enter A)
      | - or exit B on a 0 (enter C)
        01*0 - C must enter and exit on a 0, can have zero-or-more 1's
      )+ - repeat B
      1 - exit C then B on a 1
    ) - End B
  )* - repeat A
)* - repeat everything
$ - end



© Willin Wang            更新时间 2021-02-23 16:29:35

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